

Proyecto.ZIP is a collective artistic project coordinated by Alejandro Tantanian. It is made up of ten works of different formats that arrive at the viewer's home through the new virtual platform of Alternativa Comunidad en Escena.
A first combination of works was officially launched within the framework of FIBA 2021 and then, always through Alternativa Teatral, all experiences were accessible. Each week a different mix of five experiences was released so viewers can browse as many as they like.
Emerging from the poetic will to steer a complex artistic reality, each proposal in turn has its own findings and styles, unique constellations and connections that come together to give rise to this eclectic project: 10 proposals – dissimilar in form but not in spirit – to open spaces in a reality that seemed closed and that will undoubtedly transform the perception of the places where we daily circulate.

About Proyecto.ZIP
We will never forget this year: where all the fears, the prophecies, the horrors, the postponements, the absences, the duels came together. Exact topography of despair.
We arrive, definitively, at the end of a model. The idea of progress, then, become weak.
What the future will bring, what we hope will come from the future plunges us into the worst of disappointments. We have to stop believing that the treasure is at the rainbow’s end: a space we’ll never reach, even if we decide to walk for ages.
If we happened to learn something this year, it is that it’s now. And here.
Light up here and now, then, a portion of that future: no matter how tiny it may be. Stop hoping: place hope in the present, not in the future. Transform hope into an active principle and not leave it postponed in a future that will not come, that will not come true, that will never happen.
If we do not operate here and now on the seeds of what we want to be, it’ll be difficult for us to achieve the result we want.
In these “plays” you will not find similarities among themselves because they all resemble their authors, and they are - of course - singular beings in an attempt to build a bridge between the present and what we imagine the future will be; attempts that the future we will want is here, among us: let’s activate hope.
We meet every Tuesday since April with the desire to write texts for the theater: that precise appointment quickly became a refuge for these dark times. I envisioned a possible plot between all of us and threw a bottle into the sea: create a project together.
And here we are: presenting to you what we have come to call Proyecto.ZIP: a space for sharing this present loaded with the future in unexpected ways: come to be part of it, join this unique experience that was born from the worst of the despairs to become - we hope - fertile company to walk together through this present.

  • Proyecto.ZIP

    Alejandro Tantanian
    Buenos Aires, 2020, the year of the plague
  • General coordination
    Alejandro Tantanian

  • Authors and directors
    Martín Antuña
    Julieta Ascar
    Lolo Avegliano
    Paula Cancela
    Silvia Ceriani
    Matías Dínenzon
    Zoe Di Rienzo
    Pablo Flehner
    Valentino Grizutti
    Estrella Herrera
    Jonathan Monroig
    María Belén Moretti
    Esteban Pucheta
    Ana Lucía Rodríguez
    Julia Tomasini
    Germán Tosto

  • IG

  • + info alternativateatral

  • Premiere, Alternativa Teatral, January 2021