> Teaches at the Playwriting Career, Escuela de Arte Dramático – EAD, where he dictates, since 1996, several seminars: New Writing, Workshop For New Authors, and Playwriting Workshop.
> Writing and Acting Workshops in several provinces of the country organized by the Instituto Nacional de Teatro – INT between the years 1997 and 1999.
> Private Seminars of Playwriting with the collaboration of Daniel Veronese from 1999 to 2001.
> Seminars of Playwriting with the collaboration of Daniel Veronese at the Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas in the years 2000 and 2001.
> Private Seminars of Playwriting since 2001 to the date.
> Private Theoretical Seminars on New Writing between the years 2003 and 2008.
> Theoretical Seminars on New Writing for the Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires - CTBA in the years 2004, 2005, 2008 and 2009.
> Seminars of Playwriting for Advanced Pupils from the Direction & Acting Career at the Instituto Universitario Nacional de Artes -IUNA.
> Seminars of Playwriting organized by Argentores (2006/2007).
>Since April 2010 is in charge of the Playwriting Workshop # 4 (last workshop of the programme) in the Post Degree on Playwriting, Instituto Universitario Nacional de Artes – IUNA.
> Workshop in the frame of Núcleo de Dramaturgia organized by SESI and British Council, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2010.
> Seminars of Playwriting for New Authors in the frame of Panorama Sur since 2010.
>Directs a workshop at the Centro Experimental del Teatro Colón - CETC coordinating a group of writers in order to produce a libretto of an opera based on Ada Falcón (popular tango singer) with music by Lucas Fagin that was premiered in November 2011.
>Participant at the International Symposium of Opera and Libretto organized by Ópera Butxaca / Nueva Creación, Barcelona, Spain, June 2011.
> Seminar on Opera Libretti organized by Opera Butxaca / Nueva Creación, Barcelona, Spain, June 2011.
>Seminar The Forest Harrower (El bosque Harrower) dedicated to actors and directors on David Harrower’s texts, Teatro Fernando Fernán Gómez, Madrid, Spain, March 2012.
> Coordinates the work shop Clinic under South / Extension Panorama La Paz - Bolivia organized by Alternative Space and Goethe Institut - La Paz, June 2014. It is part of the Masters in Creative Writing UNTREF (Tres de Febrero University) created and directed by María Negroni, May / July 2014.
> Seminar in Playwriting in the frame of the Bienal de Arte Joven, Buenos Aires, September / October 2013.
> The forest of the texts: approximations to a dramaturgy on non-theatrical texts; workshop for playwrights and directors in the frame of Creador.es, Valencia, Spain, September 2014.
> On Blackbird by David Harrower; workshop for actors, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, September 2014.
> Variations around Anna K.; workshop for actors and directors on motifs and scenes from Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoi; organised by draft.inn in collaboration with Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; September 2014.
> Workshop for actors at the Buenos Aires Modern Art Museum (MAMBA) – in the frame of Gabriel Lester’s installation Habitat Sequences – ending in a show called Mi tristeza sería la misma (My sadness should be the same) to be presented during the closing of the exhibition; October- November 2014.
> Variations on Anna Karenina; workshop for actors on motifs and scenes from Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy; organised by the Festival Frinje 15 at Matadero Madrid, Spain, July 2015.
> Advisor in the International Platform for the Creation in Musical Theatre, organized by the Goethe-Institut and the Munich Biennale, CABA; July 2015.
> Invited – among other writers – to give a conference in the frame of Seminario Iberoamericano de Dramaturgia Creativa at Centro Cultural Kirchner, CABA, October 2015.
> Conference about Art and Resistance at the Seminar on Armenian Genocide in charge of Professor Juan Pablo Artinian, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, November 2015.
> Presents Yorick a lecture performance on “Infinite Jest”, novel written by David Foster Wallace, Cycle “La Broma Infinita”, La Casona Iluminada, Buenos Aires, July 2016.
> Conference El verbo se hará carne. La palabra y el cuerpo en la escena teatral at FILBA / Montevideo, Uruguay, September 2016.
> Workshop La música del texto (o el texto de la música). Encuentros alrededor de la puesta en escena de textos teatrales y musicales at INAE, Montevideo, Uruguay, August – September 2016.
> Workshop El Bosque de los textos. Aproximaciones a la escritura teatral sobre textos no teatrales at FILBA / Montevideo, Uruguay and FILBA / Buenos Aires, September 2016.
> Participant at the Congreso de Tendencias Escénicas with Ariel Stolier, Ignacio Laviaguerre, Elisabetta Riva and Pablo Silva, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Palermo, February 2017.
> Gives a Master Class on Writing Librettos for Opera in the frame of Escuela de Invierno. Seminario intensivo sobre creación en nueva ópera (Winter School: Intensive Seminar about Creation in New Opera) organized by Fundación Williams directed by Miguel Galperín, August 2017.
> Seminar on Musical Theatre at Escuela del Festival, 16º FITB (Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogotá), Bogotá, Colombia, March 2018.
> Workshop El Bosque de los textos. Aproximaciones a la escritura teatral sobre textos no teatrales at the 10th anniversary of FILBA, Buenos Aires, July 2018.
> Gives a Master Class of Playwriting and Stage Direction, Centro Cultural del Bosque, Mexico City, March 2019.
> Gives a Master Class on the Relations between Music and Stage in the frame of Escuela de Invierno. Seminario intensivo sobre creación en nueva ópera (Winter School:
Intensive Seminar about Creation in New Opera) organized by Fundación Williams directed by Miguel Galperín, August 2019.
> Gives a Special Seminar El artista es otro(The artist is another) at the Art Department of University Torcuato di Tella, August – October, 2019
> Gives a Master Class about Macbeth by William Shakespeare with Andrés Rascovsky, Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina, August 2019
> Gives the Master Class Hamlet – Hamlet Machine / William Shakespeare - Heiner Müller at the Auditorio Hugo Chávez, Pabellón Venezuela, Ciudad Universitaria, Córdoba in the frame of “I Jornadas de erotismo, deseo y género(s) en la literatura”, organized by Escuela de Letras, Centro de Investigaciones, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, UNC, September 2019.
> Gives the Master Class Ser bilingüe: entre el cuerpo y el texto in the frame of FILBA 11 (International Festival of Literature from Buenos Aires), September 2019.
> Gives the Inaugural Lesson at the Period 2019 – 2020 at the Escuela de Arte Dramático de Castilla y de León (ESADCyL), Valladolid, Spain, October 2019.
> Gives a workhsop for actors and directors at the Escuela de Arte Dramático de Castilla y de León (ESADCyL) on Hamlet by William Shakespeare and Hamletmachine by Heiner Müller, Valladolid, Spain, October 2019.
> Participant of the event of La noche de las ideas with the Master Class Hamlet – Hamlet Machine / William Shakespeare - Heiner Müller; event organized by the French Institute, Argentina in Ostende and Mar del Plata, January 2020.
> Participant of the event of La noche de las ideas with the Master Class Hamlet – Hamlet Machine / William Shakespeare - Heiner Müller; event organized by the French Institute, Argentina in Ostende and Mar del Plata, January 2020.
> Invited to a dialogue with Diego Berardo (Centro Cultural San Martín’s director) in the frame of the 50th anniversary of the Centro Cultural San Martín, June 2020.
> Begins a series of Instagram Lives around the book Objeto Satie by María Negroni with its author, sharing the work in progress of a future transdisciplinary experience about the fore mentioned book, October / November 2020.
> Invited to the cycle Teatro en transición in dialogue with Alfredo Sanzol, playwright and General Director from the Centro Dramático Nacional (Spain) organized by CCEBA (Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires) & Cooperación Española / Buenos Aires and coordinated by Puy Navarro, October 2020.
> Invited with Oscar Strasnoy, Irene Gelfman and Pablo Foladori to a talk about the limits and challenges of the Opera in the Contemporary Scene organized by the Festival Nueva Ópera, November 2020.
> Participant of the cycle of public talks about Posdrama organized by Maruja Bustamente Escuela, November 2020.
> Dictates the seminar A Reading of Hamlet. Three Theorical Lessons in virtual mode, February 2021.
> Dictates the seminar The Kindness of Strangers. Three Theorical Lessons on Tennesee Williams in virtual mode, April 2021.
> Dictates (with the collaboration of Ignacio Bartolone) a seminar for playwrights organised by the Piccolo Teatro di Milan, April / July 2021
> Dictates the seminar The Esssentials. A look from the theater to the musical work of Bertolt Brecht for Academia 4’33’’, July 2021
> Dictates the Workshop 2022 of Centro Teatrale Santacristina’s Summer School: Towards the Construction of a Secret Society: from Demons to The Seven Mad Men. The activities from Santacristina are supoorted by Piccolo Teatro di Milano, LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, ERT Emilia-Romagna Theatre Foundation, TPE Teatro Piemonte Europa and Fabulamundi Playwriting Europe. This project is supported by the Minister of Culture – Special Project 2022, June / July 2022.